The weather finally dropped in central Florida (it went from 90 to 80 lol)
So we had to take advantage and enjoy the beautiful weather. We decided to venture off to Long and Scotts Farm over in the Eustis/Mount Dora area.
After you pay entrance for the activities you want there is a cute little shop to walk through that is dec'd out with pumpkins galore and little areas that I had to put MJ down and get all the pumpkin pics I could get.

After that we took the hayride around the farm, it was perfect. You guys seriously have to see this video of MJ's hair blowing in the wind, I have watched this video at least 20 times and cannot stop laughing.

After that we split up, they have a huge wood playground/fort for older kids, a zip line, a huge corn maze and then a baby one. #Fail, i forgot to take pics of all of these things. UGH I need to get better at this. I went through and walked the corn maze and thank god I was able to walk through with my stroller. MJ napped most of the corn maze and I took him to the 5 and under playground area to go on the swing.

As the afternoon hours approached and the skies cleared the sun started to beam on our skin and it was time to hit the road. I would have loved to stay a bit longer and play corn hole, eat some food and go down their 60 ft slide but there is always next time!

Please enjoy all the pics and take some time to enjoy your local farm!